2020年にKOSAKU KANECHIKAで開催された、個展「Dual Dialogue」で発表された《Duality Painting》シリーズの原画を元に制作された版画作品。全面に活版印刷を施した本作は、工芸的な手仕事を大切にした作品を制作する舘鼻ならではのこだわりでもあります。壁掛けはもちろんのこと、フレームに厚みがあるため卓上でもお楽しみいただけます。
This print work is based on the original drawings from the "Duality Painting" series presented at his solo exhibition "Dual Dialogue" at KOSAKU KANECHIKA in 2020. The entire surface of the work is letterpress printed, which is a characteristic of Tatehana's craftsmanship. It can be displayed not only on a wall, but also on a tabletop due to its thick frame.
Product Care
—Please do not remove the work from the frame as it is already framed. It may cause damage to the work.
—Please do not place it in a place where it is exposed to direct sunlight or high temperature and humidity.