




About the Edo Tokyo Rethink Exhibition
The Edo Tokyo Kirari Project’s mission is to use new perspectives to refine techniques and products rooted in the traditions of Edo-Tokyo, and to present them with the world. The fruits of the project are being shared with the general public through the Edo Tokyo Rethink exhibition (held in the Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens), led by exhibition director Noritaka Tatehana, a contemporary artist active in both the Japanese and overseas modern art worlds. At the exhibition, Tatehana has welcomed Tokyo’s traditional craftsmen as collaborators, presenting the value and appeal of historical traditional industries in a new way. The starting point of this process was “rethinking,” Tatehana’s creative approach that seeks to answer the questions “how should we look back on Japan’s ancient traditional culture and how should we embody them for the future?” The first of these exhibitions was held two years ago, and each year it has shown new artworks and valuable historical materials shared by traditional craftsmen. Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens, the site of this year’s exhibition, offers exceptional vistas that showcase the changing faces of the seasons. It has been designated by the Japanese government as a special historic site and special place of scenic beauty.


Introduction of Noritaka Tatehana's collaborative works


展覧会名 江戸東京リシンク展
開催日時 2023年3月11日(土)~3月15日(水) 9時00分~17時00分(最終入園16:30)
主 催  東京都・江戸東京きらりプロジェクト
会 場  特別史跡・特別名勝 小石川後楽園
入園料  小石川後楽園への入園にあたり以下の入園料が必要となります。
     一般 300円 65歳以上 150円


江戸木版画 高橋工房、江戸切子 華硝、和太鼓 宮本卯之助商店、
東京くみひも 龍工房、江戸組子 建松、新江戸染 丸久商店


Exhibition Outline
Title: Edo Tokyo Rethink
Date and Time: Saturday, March 11, 2023 ~ Wednesday, March 15, 2023, 9:00 a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m. (entry closed at 16:30)
Organizers: Tokyo Metropolitan Government / Edo Tokyo Kirari Project
Venue: Special Historic Site and Special Place of Scenic Beauty Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens
Admission: The following fees are required to enter Koishikawa Korakuen Garden.
General admission: 300 yen, 65 years old and over: 150 yen
*Elementary school students or under, and junior high students residing in Tokyo are admitted free.
*Holders of one of the following and their attendants are admitted free:identification booklet for the physically handicapped, Ai-no-techo (for the mentally handicapped), mental disability certificate, or mental education and treatment certificate.


Edo Moku-hanga Takahashi Kobo, Edo Kiriko Hanashyo, Wadaiko Miyamoto Unosuke Shoten,
Tokyo Kumihimo Ryukobo, Edo Kumiko Tatematsu, Shin Edozome Marukyu Shoten



Photo by GION