Noritaka Tatehana
《Primary Colors》では、構造色が発現するインクが塗布された樹脂シートにアクリル絵具を彩色することで、色面を生成しています。表面に見ることができる図像は、舘鼻自身が本作のために撮影した被写体である「雲」の画像を複数枚合成したもので、これまでにも舘鼻作品のテーマとなっている「一対の視点」という捉え方とも繋がるところがあります。
The color plane of Tatehana’s “Primary Colors” is composed of a layer of resin sheet that has been coated with structural color ink and acrylic paint. The motif expressed on the surface of the work is a composite image based on various photographs of clouds taken by Tatehana, tying in the idea of multiple perspectives residing in a single work, a continued theme in the artist’s portfolio.
The clouds perform as a framing device, isolating the various daily scenes that meet the viewer’s eye on a single surface, much like the clouds in “Rakuchu Rakugai Zu” (“Scenes in and Around the Capital”), a set of traditional Japanese screen paintings that is now a national treasure. One could say that the clouds symbolize the Japanese embrace of dichotomies such as heaven and earth, and life and death.
Noritaka Tatehana "PRIMARY COLORS"
April 16, 2022 - May 28, 2022