TOKYO | SOLO EXHIBITION 「舘鼻則孝 呪力の美学」展 岡本太郎記念館
舘鼻則孝の個展「舘鼻則孝 呪力の美学」が東京・南青山の岡本太郎記念館で開催された。故・岡本太郎氏が生前使用していたアトリエを含む、館内全てを活用した本展では、舘鼻自身の普段の作風を逸脱した、まさに「岡本太郎とぶつかり合う作品」が発表された。会場では、舘鼻の作品と混在するように岡本太郎氏の生前の貴重な映像や肉声も公開された。
Noritaka Tatehana's solo exhibition "Noritaka Tatehana: Aesthetics of Magic" was held at the Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo. The exhibition, which utilized the entire building, including the studio used by Taro Okamoto during his lifetime, featured works that deviated from Tatehana's usual style, and were truly "works that collide with Taro Okamoto." In the exhibition space, rare footage of Taro Okamoto before his death and his own voice were also specially shown along with Tatehana's works.
Photo by GION